About The Artist


About the Artist

George Coll lives west of Loveland, Colorado,
with his wife Jennifer. In 1994, they purchased their two-acre property with
a 1920s-built-home, a barn and several outbuildings that include a studio he
built in 1999. This rambling property at the base of the Rocky Mountains is

also home to George’s two pack llamas. Tony and Dolly llama who love to trek
into the backcountry with George to carry his paint supplies.

The beautiful northern Colorado countryside and
the many people who share his life inspire George. George’s attention has been
focused on landscape, cityscape and figurative painting. George is a
Renaissance man whose talents also include furniture and cabinet making. His
home is adorned with his handcrafted furniture, cabinets, two hand made looms
and numerous paintings.

“I always believed I had the ability to draw,
which is the foundation of my desire to paint,”

says. George started painting with watercolors in 1986 at the Denver Art
Students League. In November 1998 he focused on oil painting. George has
continued his ongoing support and involvement in the Denver Art Students
league since that time.

George works from life. George’s landscape
paintings are composed on location to capture the essence of light. His larger
landscapes/cityscapes are completed in the studio from his on-location field
studies. George’s figurative paintings are inspired by his friends and
acquaintances, which patiently model for him until completed.

George is
known for his landscape “road trips,” taking him often to neighboring states
to capture a two-hour segment of light. George enjoys surprising his painting
companions by taking impromptu plein air excursions that are hundreds of miles
from his home. Caution is
advised for those weary painting companions. George’s wanderings by back road
and with the llamas have introduced him to the many vistas of the western
United States. Cityscape inspirations vary from the Manhattan skyline to
Butte Montana. George also takes inspiration from his artistic heroes, such

Fechin, Edward Hopper, Sorolla and Edgar Payne.

Gallery Representation by:

Galleries, Ft. Collins CO, 970-221-5290.

For more information, please
contact George at:


-or -

5391 Wild Lane

Loveland CO 80538


All designs and scans © 2001, Artist works ©
copyright of the artist